Sidereal Nocturne: Introduction, Why I’m Here and Where I’m Going

Sidereal Nocturne: Introduction, Why I’m Here and Where I’m Going

Welcome to “Sidereal Nocturne” – your monthly reminder to think about yourself and go forward. In this first post I am going to introduce myself and tell you more about what this is about, why I’m here and why you may want to be here.

Hi, my name is Kalina, but most people knows me as Kiki, some other knows me as Amairo. 95% Taurus and 5% Gemini, as I like to say “I am three”. I’ve been here and there, enjoyed the fresh air of Greece at least three times, learned how to think corporate in Germany and at least three times explored the humongous giant of a city called London. Currently living in the 6th oldest city in the world, namely Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

I’ve worked even more different jobs and spent my last 15 years behind a monitor or the pages of a book. I like to think big, surround myself with music and every type of art you may think about. The only thing I hate is the “hate” itself and fight against it. Well, I may be selfish at times, but everyone is selfish at some point. Let’s face it, we are not Mother Theresa after all.

What is “Sidereal Nocturne” though?

“Sidereal” – determined by or from the stars. “Nocturne” – a short composition of a romantic nature, typically for piano or a picture of a night scene. Coming altogether this means that for some strange and weird way we are going to talk about the philosophy of the human soul and will explore the nature of being a human being – what we feel, how we react to the world and what happens with us and why we need to go forward.

As more and more people in the Western world like to say it this way, I come from a place of privilege. I am white 30 something woman, coming from a loving family, who grew up with the strong presence of a bit annoying, but loving parents.

However though, since 2013 I also live in the strong presence of my best friend called Depression. The last 8 years taught me how to be patient and how to be my own best friend. I am still learning. The last few months I am also learning how to live with the grief of losing someone very special, my beloved father.

The last 2 years were the worst for a lot of people, in the whole world. Covid19 is this beast that came and decided to stay, however taking some of the best and precious people. And as I realized that I am not the only one going through some thing bad, I thought “Why not going through this together?”. So here I am, writing this first of many articles.

Where I am going and why would you wish to stay here?

This is not the first web rubric in the world and definitely won’t be the last. “What makes it special though?”, you may ask. Well, it will be special, if you considered it so. For me it is special as it is my my way to say hi, I know you are hurt too, but let’s go forward together.

In the next articles we are going to meet with people and read about their stories. We will learn together how to be more aware of what kind of people surround us in our life and if we should accept their opinion or reject their attitude.

Let me warn you, I am far from perfect and I’m also vulnerable. But also brutally honest and won’t shy away from difficult topics. Let’s learn how to live better life together.

Want to share your story? You are more than welcome to send me an email to

Till the next time ^^

Blogger, book hoarder, art lover! I like k-pop, visual kei and rock music! WordPress Lover! Writing is my passion, music is my life!

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