Salve! I’m getting lost in planning. I’m trying to organize a party and I suddenly realized that I managed to invite 25 people. 25!!! This is the most I’ve ever had so far, or at least that much I remember. This is going to be crazy, I’m sure. But it is what it is, and […]
Amairo Log: Slowly
Kaixo! This evening I felt the urge to just sit down and write and here I am, without any idea, but desire for writing. So that’s gonna be a chaotic post… if I ever had one non-chaotic. Lol. First off, who am I and how come I deserved so good friends? All of them are […]
Amairo Log: Faith
שלום It’s been almost a month since my last post, but recently everything is so hectic. I was having the idea to write, but her majesty “Inspiration” was hiding from me. And then I was so busy, and then… I forgot my password. Yeah, I can be that pathetic. Despite all things, I actually managed […]
Amairo Log: Vibin
“Hello! My name is Kalina and it would be my pleasure to assist you today.” <- my new introduction, cringe-worthy and mechanic, but it’s not. I actually mean it and I like what I do. It may not be the most amazing thing I ever did, but I love the order. And I don’t feel […]
Amairo Log: Amnesia
23-тият ден на 2021 година Най-накрая се реших, че е време за промяна. Никога не съм обичала да седя прекалено много време на едно място или пък без никаква промяна, пък било то и минимална такава. Затова от днес отново съм руса и с една идея по-къса коса. Скалпът ме боли от всичките 3 часа […]
Amairo Log: Basquiat
Още една седмица, в която не свърших нищо. Ходя на работа, прибирам се, ям, спя. И после пак същото. Някак си не си представях ежедневието си по този начин и не ми харесва. Днес обаче седнах и писах. Ей така, по желание. Не защото трябва, а защото искам. Май все пак това е разковничето – […]