Post covid, books, do not disturb and more…

Post covid, books, do not disturb and more…

Hey, hello! お久しぶりです!

It’s been a while since my last post, but I was busy with living. Many things happened, but it seems that actually nothing happened. I’m still struggling with finding the time for important things, but it is what it is, that’s what I can say.

So, I went to Hills of Rock this year. It’s the first time the festival is happening since 2019. I was a bit cautious because my leg was still hurting and at the same time I had back problems (imagine not being able to breathe because it hurts to breath), but I was glad that I managed to go and see Slipknot and Sabaton live. But then…

Then somehow I managed to meet with the ultimate villain called Covid-19. Today is my 14th day of isolation and I’m so tired of staying at home, you can’t even imagine. The first week was awful, I felt like someone hit me too many times and the worst was that it affected my hearing. Thankfully, I’m good now and I hope I won’t catch it again.

Books? Books!!!
Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth by Charlie Bowater

Believe it or not, but I managed to read 6 book while isolating. It seems that I’m finally back to reading more and I’m super happy about that. I hope I’ll keep this momentum and will keep reading as there are way too many books that I’d like to read asap. Below is a list of what I’ve managed to complete these past 2 weeks.

  • “Constance” by Matthew FitzSimmons
  • “People We Meet on Vacation” by Emily Henry
  • “Aurora Burning” by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
  • “Aurora’s End” by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
  • “Aria’s Travelling Book Shop” by Rebecca Raisin
  • “Gilded Cage” by Vic James

I don’t know how exactly Amie and Jay managed to do it, but I officially have a new book boyfriend. Welcome, Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth! I love your purple eyes! <3 Art is by the amazingly skilled Charlie Bowater. I must also be honest and tell you that Finian de Karran de Seel is in a good second place and I have no idea how any of these happened, as last time I claimed someone as a book boyfriend, was at least 5 years ago. (I still love you, Cassian dear, don’t worry lol).

…And More

Few weeks ago, I somehow turned on the “Do not disturb” mode of my phone by accident and I kinda loved it. It is so nice to be away from constant notifications, asking you to do something. The only con is that it also block all calls, but sometimes all I need is peace and this mode is now my favorite.

And for final, we got good news finally. My love, Leo, is going to release new mini-album titled “Piano man Op. 9” on 23rd this month and I can’t wait to have it in my hands. I’ll be hopefully able to pre-order it soon, along with his first album that never came through the mail as it got lost.

Featured image by Kaizen Nguyễn on Unsplash

Amairo out

Blogger, book hoarder, art lover! I like k-pop, visual kei and rock music! WordPress Lover! Writing is my passion, music is my life!

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