TV Series Review: A Discovery of Witches, season 1

A Discovery of Witches

TV Series Review: A Discovery of Witches, season 1

Title: A Discovery of Witches
Season: 1
Episodes: 8
IMDB raiting: 8.1/10
Release date: 14 September 2018 (UK)
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Romance
Cast:  Matthew Goode, Teresa Palmer, Valarie Pettiford and more

“It begins with absence and desire.
It begins with blood and fear.
It begins with a discovery of witches.”

It was so long ago when I read the books that this TV show is based on. They became my favorites almost immediately and when I heard that there will be a show, I was happy, but also nervous, because I wasn’t sure how everything will turn out. Well, I watched the first season and I can say that I really liked it a lot.

This first season follows the story of Diana and Matthew in the first book of the trilogy. He’s a vampire, she’s a witch. She is the only one, who’s able to take a certain book – Ashmole 782 – from the Bodleian Library and now all the creatures are following her, waiting for her to request the book again.

As I already mentioned, I read the books long time ago (I need to reread them sometime soon), but from what I remember, I’m perfectly satisfied with what I watched. The actors that was chosen as Diana and Matthew managed to make everything very believable and I’m glad to see it.

A Discovery of Witches

It’s a rare occurrence for me to watch TV series in the past few years and probably that’s why I’m watching this now, and not when it officially came out. But it brought me back the desire to start watching movies and series again.

This is not the story of vampires that are represented as bad creatures. Well, they are not shining here, and they are pretty much dangerous, but now the main heroine is not a human, but a powerful witch. I don’t know how to describe it, really. The world here is also full of other creatures like daemons for example and they also play an interesting role in the whole scenario.

All in all, I think everything was perfectly played and I can’t wait for the next season where I’ll be able to see my most favorite character from the book – the incredible Gallowglass.

Rating: 10/10 stars

Rating: 10 out of 10.
Blogger, book hoarder, art lover! I like k-pop, visual kei and rock music! WordPress Lover! Writing is my passion, music is my life!

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